Posts tagged VITAMIN C
🌿 Unlock the Secret to Luscious Locks: Collagen for Healthy Hair! 🌿

In the pursuit of radiant and healthy hair, we often find ourselves searching for the latest miracle products and treatments. But what if we told you that the key to luscious locks might be something your body already produces naturally? Say hello to collagen, the not-so-secret secret to achieving the hair of your dreams!

Collagen, often associated with skincare and joint health, has been making waves in the beauty world for its remarkable benefits for hair. From strengthening your strands to promoting growth and enhancing shine, collagen could be the game-changer your hair care routine has been missing.

In this blog post, we'll delve deep into the world of collagen and its incredible role in maintaining the health and beauty of your hair. Discover how this protein can transform your locks from lackluster to luscious, and learn how to incorporate it into your daily routine for maximum results.

Get ready to unlock the secret to enviable, head-turning hair – it's all about collagen, and we're here to spill the beans!

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How sugar ages your skin: the process of glycation

What is glycation? Glycation is a reaction that occurs in the body where sugar molecules, such as glucose or fructose, bond with protein molecules to form a new, differently-shaped compound. These new substances are known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and are responsible for many of the negative effects of glycation [1].

Collagen, elastin and skin structure - Glycation's impact on the skin is multi-fold, and the process contributes to numerous signs of skin ageing. It changes structural elements in the skin, including damaging collagen and elastin.

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How Your Skin Changes During Menopause

Did you know that almost half of women experience challenges with their skin during menopause? [1]. Menopause and perimenopause can throw your skin into a spin. The skin changes during menopause in several ways, all related to other changes in the body. When this happens, our skincare regimes can need a shake-up. Understanding what skincare is best for menopausal skin and why the skin changes during menopause is one small way to ensure wellbeing at a time that can be unnerving.

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